Be firm and positive. That means you believe at any cost that you’re going to find that love; love is meant for you and it will come to you so that you just have to date like hell until you find it You have to embrace the process of dating, so you got have positive mindset and that will make it more fun once you’re convinced true love is really out there for you. And you surely get one as the Holy Bible says, God Made them male and female...meaning your partner is there until u find Him or her. Understand your own needs. Do you need a lot of space? Desire lots of affection? Have to know what’s going on all the time? Whatever your style is, it’s OK, but you need to know it and be able to communicate it to your future spouse. You can train each other if you both know what you need, Know the difference between fooling around and building a real relationship. You may mess around with anyone if you’re careful and have safe sex,But before you bring someone into your life, o...
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